Booking Updates
Dear Patients,
We hope you’re all staying safe and well.
Further to our last ‘Practice Update-COVID-19’ blog dated 19th June 2020, we wanted to give you booking updates and some information about what our team has been up to over the last few weeks in preparation of resuming service.
Personal Protective Equipment:
The team have now had their enhanced PPE checks carried out and hope to soon restart some of the lower risk treatments.
New Appointments:
Priority will be given to the patients who were mid course of treatment prior to lockdown. Once we have completed the lower risk procedures we will move on to complete any remaining treatments in line with threat level reduction. These patients will be contacted by our team in due time.
Please do remember strict protocols will still apply when you visit us over the coming weeks. Your safety and that of our staff is of outmost importance to us. We appreciate your help, understanding and cooperation in following these protocols in order to ensure everyone’s safety. Our protocol information can be found at the bottom of this post.
Please be assured that we will still carry on providing emergency support over the phone, and where required, face-to-face for urgent assessment only.
We would like to remind you that, in line with current NHS guidelines, regular dental check ups will not commence until further notice. For other services please see below:
Pre-booked Dental Appointments:
If you have any routine appointments booked with us please consider these as cancelled (until further notice). Once we are permitted to resume routine dentistry, we will contact our patients who missed their routine check up during this period to re-book their appointment.
Lastly, please do remember our team is here for you and we look forward to welcoming you back.
If you experience any dental pain or have a question regarding any information above, please get in touch with us.
Stay safe and well,
The Link Dental Surgery Team
Protocol Information: