What is Aqualyx?
Aqualyx is a fat dissolving treatment that targets fat removal from certain areas. Excess fat in stubborn areas can be an issue for many men and women, despite exercise and a good diet. These fatty areas sometimes just don’t want to budge, but the likes of liposuction may seem too extreme a solution. That’s when Aqualyx Fat Dissolving Injections can help! Aqualyx contains deoxycholic-acid, a secondary bile acid, which the body naturally produces itself in the liver to aid the digestion of fat. The injectable solution is synthesised to dissolve topical fat in the localised area.
Treatment areas include the chin, waist jowls, side of chin, hips, upper arm, back and knees.
How does it work?
The human body naturally stores fat in order to supply energy and subcutaneous fat cells are difficult to diminish. The active substance in Aqualyx locks into the cell wall making it unstoppable and releasing the fatty acid that is stored within it. Cell residue is removed and broken down by the body’s defences and the released fatty acids are converted into energy.
The procedure consists of a set of injections, administered 3-4 weeks apart, whereby Aqualyx® is injected into the targeted area.
How long will results last?
By following a healthy lifestyle with regular exercise and healthy living the fat should return in that area!
How many treatments would I need?
A reduction in fat deposits can be seen after just one treatment, however three sessions are recommended to achieve desired results.
For more information our fat dissolving treatments, please get in touch.
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