The Link Dental Surgery 11 Aylesham Way Yateley GU46 6NR

Each tooth contains a web of delicate nerves and tissues. When the tooth exterior gets damaged, bacteria and other particles enter the inner structure resulting in an infection and inflammation of the area. The symptoms are usually pain, discomfort and discolouration of the tooth. To eradicate the infection affecting the core of the tooth, a root canal treatment is required.

At The Link Dental Surgery, we try to make the procedure as pain-free as possible and administer a local anaesthetic. After the area is numbed, our endodontist cleans out the infected chamber and sterilises it before filling the gap. Following which, a filling or crown may be fitted to protect the tooth’s structure.

A root canal treatment prevents the spread of decay from the surface of the tooth into the adjacent areas and protects the existing natural tooth

For further details about a root canal treatment, please call us on 01252 872497.

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